A homely place with traditional atmosphere. Making sure your experience will be pleasant and authentic. Starting with our entrance walking through a large cider barrel door, our dinning room decorated with basque wood and baskets. We all travel back in time to when this culture started.
To share is the essence of a cider house. Most of the food is served in the centre of the table, and its all shared with songs laughter and plenty of cider.
Our name Txirrita is a homage to Jose Manuel Lujanbio Retegi, a basque singer and storyteller “Bertsolari”. He was as famous for his songs as for his love for basque food and cider
He was recognized for his sharp words and songs, reflecting well the reality of hard times. He loved celebrations and drinking cider. He passed away in 1936, and keep inspiring new “bertsolaris” still today.
“Bein batean, Txirritak, Astigarraga’ko sagardotegi batera zijoalarik, Lizardi inguru ortan bere lagun batekin topo egin ta onela esan zion:
-Goazen sagardo edatera!
Ta besteak: -Bañan etzeukat dirurik!
Ta Txirritak: -Etzaiok ajolik! Nik badit erronda batentzat!
Ala, joan ziran sagardotegira ta upelaren ondoan exeri biak.
Ta Txirritak bere lagunari: -ez mugitu emendikan, upelaren ondotikan!
Lenbiziko erronda Txirritak pagatu zuan, ta andik aurrera, sartzen Zan guziari, Txirritak bertsoa botzen zion, eta aiek sagardotarako gonbidatu. Ala, gaueko amabietan, geiago sosik gastatu gabe eta sagardoz bete-bete eginda, biak etxera …
*Texto de USTU EZIN ZAN GANBARA (TXIRRITAREN ZENBAIT BERTSO TA GERTAERA) de Antonio Zavala; Auspoa Liburutegia; 1975
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